My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The story of a young captive queen, living in a palace that was once her own, forcing down her true nature and feelings, and watching her people be subjugated and exploited was riveting. It did contain many YA/Fantasy tropes, but I did not mind. The world-building was great, as was the character development and story. I found myself saying, "Just one more chapter," several times, and staying up much too late reading, but I had a very hard time putting down the book. I found the characters very interesting, even the ones I didn't like very much. The journey of Theo from quiet oppressed prisoner to vengeful queen was well-done, as was the development of Soren, Blaise, and even Cress (who kept me guessing throughout the whole story). The violence and viciousness of some of the abuse that Theo must sufffer might bother some, but I felt as though those aspects highlighted the cruelty of the world she lived in.
I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys YA/Fantasy, as long as one doesn't mind the predictable love-triangle, cruel rulers, and best friend who can't quite be trusted. Overall, I really liked this book and eagerly await the next part of Theo's story.
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