Monday, June 17, 2024

Review: The Traitor: A Novel

The Traitor: A Novel The Traitor: A Novel by Ava Glass
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I received and ARC of this book.
I really liked the first book in this series and was excited to see what was next for Emma. This book, however, disappointed me. The pacing and plot was extremely uneven, and I continuously found myself mad at Emma for making ridiculous decisions and putting herself in completely unnecessary danger. I figured out who the "traitor" was very early on, and Emma's subsequent relationship with the person felt underdeveloped and forced, which added to the lack of tension and meaningfulness in the overall story. While I really enjoyed the first book, and I do root for Emma, I am not sure that I will read another book in this series.

View all my reviews

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