Monday, June 17, 2024

Review: The Irish Goodbye

The Irish Goodbye The Irish Goodbye by Amy Ewing
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I received an ARC of this book.
I was really enjoying this book. Great setting. Characters (who started off a bit cliched, but redeemed themselves quickly, and) who were easy to root for and relate to. Secondary characters (who also might have been a bit cliched, but who) were also fun and engaging. The relationship developed well, and didn't feel rushed. Then, at about 80%, it was like the wheels fell off. Anyone who reads romance novels knows a bit hurdle has to be thrown at the two main characters and they have to figure out how to go over it in order to be together. But this hurdle felt very clunky. Without giving way spoilers, I didn't understand the main characters' reasoning...why was it okay for one character to completely up and change their life for love, but not okay for the other character to do the exact some thing? There was no logic in it, to me: "Yes, I want you to do this huge thing for me, because you love me, but I am not willing to do the same thing for you. So we should just break up." And here is where the spoiler has to come in: (view spoiler) I don't know. I should probably stop reading romance novels, if I am going to expect the characters to act logically. If you can ignore or overlook the last 1/5 of the book, then you might enjoy this story. It left me feeling disappointed and let down, however.

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