Monday, June 17, 2024

Review: Raiders of the Lost Heart

Raiders of the Lost Heart Raiders of the Lost Heart by Jo Segura
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I was not a fan of this book. I found Corrie to be very unlikeable, and I really wasn't sure what Ford saw in her, other than that he found her attractive. I felt like they both acted in a very immature manner, and if they, at any point, would have just stopped and had a real conversation, most of the "conflict" in the book could have been avoided. But to be honest, I think most of the "conflict" in the book arose because Corrie had a bad temper and didn't think about what she was saying or doing before she did it. She acted like a spoiled middle-schooler.
I also felt like I had so suspend belief on the archaeological aspect and historical accuracy, not to mention the ending.
I would not recommend this book

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