Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Review: The Luminaries

The Luminaries The Luminaries by Susan Dennard
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I received an ARC of this book.
I tried to like this book, but I just couldn't. The author did a good job of creating a creepy spooky atmosphere, but nothing actually happened in this book! The plot was sluggish at best. Things that should have been a big deal and carried a great deal of resonance with our characters were glossed over. There was way too much telling and not showing. I got fed up with Winnie. And the teeth clicking--seriously?!
This book was a huge let-down, because nothing interesting or exciting truly happens until the very end. So would I recommend this book? No. Not unless you don't mind wasting your time reading book 1 and can immediately go on to book 2 in the series in the hopes that Winnie stops clicking her teeth, gets a clue, and takes some initiative...

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Review: The Cloisters

The Cloisters The Cloisters by Katy Hays
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I received an ARC of this book.
I know this book has a lot of hype, and a lot of people are loving it. But I am one of the few who was unimpressed. Although the author did a great job of creating a hot languid summer in a place that almost seemed otherworldly and out of time, the plot and pacing just seemed off and disjointed. At times things moved along at a pretty good pace, but then those situations became a bit irrelevant to the story. Then things that were not actually that big of a deal were dwelt upon quite a bit, and it felt weird. And then things that should have been important were glossed over. It felt like a boring rollercoaster ride through very pretty scenery. I just couldn't get on board (or didn't understand) the whole mystical and unique and invaluable quality of the tarot cards. Which was a shame since that was what most of the plot was based on.
I also had a very hard time relating to any of the characters. Ann was unlikeable, which can be okay as long as she has rooting value or qualities that make her feel relatable. But she didn't. I felt as thought I couldn't connect with her at all. The majority of the other characters were not great people, either.
I would not recommend this book, but I know I am in the minority. The setting and imagery were wonderful, but that's about it...

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Review: The Burning

The Burning The Burning by Jane Casey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this book. The main character was engaging, the pacing of the story and plot was well-done, and the mystery really drew me in. Even though I had my suspicions about who the culprit might be, I was still kept guessing, and was intrigued to know how everything would end. I was rooting for Maeve the whole time, and the secondary characters were great. I am looking forward to reading more books in this series.

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Review: Garlic and the Vampire

Garlic and the Vampire Garlic and the Vampire by Bree Paulsen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Really cute graphic novel about overcoming your fears and not judging others based on preconceived notions. This book would be great for Halloween, or anytime children want to read a fun book while learning how to interact with those around them.

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Review: The Midnight Feast

The Midnight Feast The Midnight Feast by Lucy Foley
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I received an ARC of this book.
I was disappointed by this book. I should have absolutely loved it. There was a mystery, a slightly eldritch setting, and elements of folk horror. But there were also way too many POVs and it made the story feel a bit choppy and abrupt--it definitely affected the flow of the storytelling. I also felt like I didn't have enough opportunity to connect to any of the characters; the only one who was well-drawn and I felt like I had a connection with was Francesca, and she was incredibly unlikeable, with absolutely no redeeming qualities or rooting value. It was pretty obvious the direction the story was moving in, so any feeling of tension or suspense fell flat. I found that I was not that invested in the story or the characters, and felt underwhelmed when the book was over (and the ending/wrap up was a bit much). I would not recommend this one. And I might skip out on the next book by this author.

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Review: How to Solve Your Own Murder

How to Solve Your Own Murder How to Solve Your Own Murder by Kristen Perrin
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I received an ARC of this book.
Normally I would round up, but it took me over a month to get through this book, and it was not easy. This is the story of a young woman named Annie whose great aunt has just died. Annie never knew her aunt, but when she travels to her home in the English countryside, she discovers this aunt was haunted by the disappearance of a friend back when they were 17, as well as the cryptic message she received from a fortune teller just before that friend disappeared. Annie works to find not only who killed her aunt, but also what happened back when her aunt was a teenager.
The story is told in alternating points of view, one in the present day from Annie, and one from the diaries of Annie's great aunt Frances. The diaries were certainly the better portions of the book. I struggled to connect with Annie, and the way characters, events, and circumstances were relayed in the present felt two-dimensional at best, boring and confusing at worst. I could not keep track of who was who--past and present--how they were related, and why things were such a big deal. The characters and mysteries in the past storyline should have really drawn me into the story and created an air of tension and suspense, but it all fell a bit flat, making it just uninteresting.
I really wanted to DNF several times, but I wanted to see who did it. But when that was revealed, it was incredibly underwhelming. I just did not care. I would not recommend this book--it will not draw you into the story, and if you put it down, by the time you pick it back up you will forget who over half the characters are and what purpose they serve.

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Review: Daughter of Mine

Daughter of Mine Daughter of Mine by Megan Miranda
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received an ARC of this book.
I enjoyed this mystery. As usual, with this author, the setting plays a huge role in the story, and the descriptions really drew me into the action. The oppressive heat and isolation of the setting added to the book. The pace was a bit slow, but I think that also added to the way the story unfolded. I liked our main character, even when she made a few questionable decisions, and I did not want to put the book down. I did not figure out who did it, and was surprised in the end. I always enjoy this author.

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