My rating: 2 of 5 stars
I received an ARC of this book.
This is the story of two wives who go missing on the same day. One is the step-mother of two boys who spends Monday through Thursday of every week out of town for work. The other is the wife of an extremely rich man who goes out of town every Thursday through Sunday to care for her ill mother... So, just by reading the synopsis, what do you think is going on...? It really is too obvious, isn't it? I think this was supposed to be a big reveal or twist, and I honestly figured it out before I even started reading the book. So I wasn't impressed. As the book went on, I kept feeling like I was slogging through and really didn't care about the characters or what was happening to them. I realized about halfway through that this was because pretty much all of the characters were extremely unlikable. Now, a character can do things that the reader might not agree with, but in this book the characters just had very little redeeming qualities. And then to top it off, pages and pages and PAGES were spent on interminable internal monologs--mainly of the characters trying to justify their self-indulgent actions over and over again--that it just got so terribly boring. I started to skim over chapters because I found I just didn't care. Then when conversations and actual ACTION were taking place, we didn't get to see it happen, it was just skimmed over in passing. I was incredibly frustrated. By the time I got to the end of the book I found I just didn't care anymore. I didn't care what happened to the missing "wives," I didn't care what became of their sad misled husbands, and I didn't care about who the culprit was and whether or not they would get away with it.
I did not enjoy this book and would not recommend it.
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