My rating: 2 of 5 stars
This book had a great (if not original) concept, but it was just not good. The characters were flat. Klara felt like the author was trying way too hard to create a stereotypical yet "cool" teenage girl and Callum felt like an overdone melodramatic "hero" from a teenaged girl's idea of a romance novel. The actual writing and word choice in the book was--I have to say it--cringy. No one talks like that. It felt like the characters were reciting lines from a badly-written play, and not having actual feelings and conversations. And what I am assuming was supposed to be a grounding in Celtic mythology just felt like a haphazard mish-mash of anything Irish, Welsh, or Scottish. You can't pick an obscure figure from Welsh mythology and stick that in with references to Irish mythology and then have a guy from hundreds and hundreds of years ago to be familiar with ALL of it. Either pick large, overarching general themes and figures from non-specific Celtic mythology, or pick Irish, Welsh, or--HEY, since you're in Scotland!!--Scottish mythology and stick with that.
I just could not get into this book. If you are looking for a time-traveling YA fantasy version of Outlander, I'd keep looking and skip this one (and to be honest, there are a lot of books out there that try to be a YA fantasy version of Outlander, and I haven't read a GOOD one yet...)
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