My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is my youngest daughter's favorite book (she even dressed up like Ladybug Girl for Storybook Character Day at school). I decided to review it because I read it to a class of kindergarteners yesterday. Some of them had never heard it, and they loved it, too.
Ladybug Girl is a young girl who is faced with a day of trying to find something to do all by herself (well, she also has her trusty sidekick, Bingo the dog...). Her older brother won't let her play baseball with him, and since she cannot read yet, she goes outside and finds herself completing various "heroic" tasks. By the end of the day she has discovered that she can do anything, because she is Ladybug Girl.
I think this is a great book for young kids because it encourages creativity, using the imagination, and inspires confidence. It is better as a read-aloud than a book for K-2 to read themselves, because the words can be a bit challenging and the font can be confusing for emerging readers. I would encourage anyone to buy this book for a young child they know, however. The whole Ladybug Girl series is great!
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