My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. An examination of the last trial by combat "duel" in France, it details the story of Jacques Le Gris and Jean de Carrouges and their duel to the death in order to determine who was lying and who was being truthful when Jean and his wife, Marguerite, accused Jacques of rape. The book goes through a bit of background of what was going on in France at the time, the history duels, the French judicial system, and Jean and Jacques themselves. The reader learns about the two men, their lives, and their relationship with each other. In setting up all of this information, it would be easy to get lost and bogged down in dry information, but the author relates just the perfect amount of detail while still keeping the story interesting and moving along at an engaging pace. As much as he is able, hundreds of years later, he uncovers some of the personality of each of the three main individuals in this case, and the reader feels that he or she really understands a bit of Jean, Marguerite, and Jacques. And as the event in question occurs, then the trial, and then the actual combat comes to pass, the reader is caught up in a fascinating tale. What exactly happened, and why did it happen? The reader desperately wants to know.
I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys medieval history, or even true crime. It is an event worth knowing more about, and the author does a wonderful job relating the events.
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